Archive for Paper Art

Mudpuppy Paper School Playset

I found this cute little set of paper dolls on a clearance shelf somewhere and bought it for my kids. I made some extra pieces to give it a little ethnic diversity, and I added a few others- a mom bringing in some cupcakes and a giraffe (don’t ask why, I just thought he was cute).

You can download the little people I made, if you’d like, by clicking here. I didn’t make a downloadable school, but I’m thinking about it.

As a little aside, I’ll tell you that I reeeally want to make a little garden set for our Ladybug book, because we are building up promotional stuff to push the paper copies for Christmas. Yaaaay! I don’t want to labor this too much here and now, but the process is pretty much done, and we’re both excited to be able to present this, after all the work we put into it.

She’s asking nicely.

Vintage Valentine’s Day Cards

Now that February is upon us (almost), I am starting to think through Valentine’s Day plans. I love holidays that involve me hanging around with my man or spending money on him. Yep. I dug out this box of Valentine cards in honor of the season. I got them a while back, but not too far back- they look like they’re a bajillion years old, but I think I picked them up at Barnes or somewhere on a clearance table. There’s glitter on them, although it doesn’t show unless you click on the image to see them enlarged.

I still don’t know who to give them to- maybe I’ll just mail them to random friends or something- they’re so lovely. Yeah, maybe that’s what I’ll do.

Two more things on the subject of vintage paper art:

I’ve been updating my blogroll and wanted to point out the addition of Marlendy. This is a blog mostly about paper dolls although some greeting cards and other such paper art gets slipped in here and there. It’s quite a treasure; she has some really cool uploads from out of print magazines.

Secondly, I found this the other day and fell in love with the artwork. Don’t think about the song or the context- just look at the pictures. Aren’t they cute?

60s Haute Couture Paper Dolls

Just got these. I want every single outfit in the set, but here are a few of my favorites.

Also, I would like to mention a handy heads-up I noticed in Paste today: Prince has declared the internet “completely over.” I’m not quite sure how he figures this, but it’s good to have the warning. In this short article, he is quoted pointing out how the internet, like MTV, is simply no longer hip. There was no definition given for any of his terms here, incidentally, so I guess we’ll have to each determine for ourselves what he feels “the internet” encompasses and what exactly being “over” means to him, but I’m guessing he’s a little disheartened by his U-verse bill. That’s all I can figure… if anyone out there has a better idea, I’d be interested in hearing it.

another cool paper art book

My husband brought this book home from the library the other day, and I seriously want it now. It comes with designs of different “terribly cute” paper toys for you to cut out and fold together, complete with tear-out printed pages. I wouldn’t want to cut the pages up, though- I’d just try to copy them.

I want to try to make an octopus like the one in the pics… soo cute. What does a grown woman need with this stuff? There’s a whole section on sea creatures- a hermit crab, a whale… there’s an elephant, and of course, a giraffe. Yep. I think I’m going to make some variations of these- we’ll see how well they work.

And now here’s something we hope you’ll REALLY like!

It’s a moose puzzle! I need to make a squirrel now!

Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat!

the first prototypes

You can download and make your own by clicking here. I need a standard disclaimer- by the time I finished this, I thought someone else would like to make one too cuz they’re just so dad-gummed cool. However, I am tired of working on it, so if it’s a little wonky, I apologize. Use cardstock, if at all possible, and be aware that the head is much heavier than the body. I compensated for this by adjusting the height of the legs. Also, a few points on the directions on the PDF may seem a little cloudy. The picture compilations below will hopefully show what I couldn’t tell without writing a book.

Kids Art- Celebrating the School-Free Summer

This was made by a four-year-old after we did a similar project together in class. She drew, colored, cut and pasted all of it by herself.

I am home again, home again (jiggedy jig), and suddenly feeling that SUMMER is upon me! I am NOT GOING BACK TO WORK FOR THREE MONTHS! Amazing… In celebration, I have made some copies of a few personal favorite pieces of kid-art. I’m seriously kicking myself for not having a drawing from one of my four-year-olds from this past year, but I think it may have gotten filed in the rectangular file folder as I was cleaning my classroom. Pity.

I believe this is the work of a second grader, although it could have been two second graders- I'm a little foggy on the origin of this cactus.

This was made by a first grader- the seed and sprout are seperate pieces of paper glued onto the page.

This is my own- I think I was in sixth grade when I did it, and I found it lodged in a stack of other papers as I was digging for kid-art.

Clothesline Collage

Made this today- I’ve had this thing for little clotheslines lately- so cute; I can’t stop doodling them and cutting paper clothes out. I just finished this a minute ago, and, though I had initially planned on putting some birds on the line and creatures on the ground, I think it’s good like this. Whoever was hanging her stuff out got bored of doing the laundry and went to take a break, apparently. Or maybe the clothes are dry now and she’s taking them in.

I started cutting this with scissors, and having been unable to locate my exacto-knives, had employed a steak knife from a kitchen drawer to do the holes in the basket.

The Cupcake Thingies are DONE!

A match made in paper...

I’m so delighted to say that this project is coming to a conclusion. The graphics for my cupcake thingmajigs are done at last, and now all I have left to do is construct them. Yay! This has been fun, but I did use several different pieces of software (a total of four different programs to do this) which means, it finally ended with them being slightly grainier than I’d like. It also means that my interest has waned considerably and I no longer wish to tweak them. As they are, I am happy with the finished product. You can download and print your own by CLICKING HERE.

I put them together by cutting them out in two’s, folding them horizontally until the images lined up, and then attaching the toothpick with a non-toxic glue stick. My husband had the brilliant idea to fold a small piece of cardstock over the toothpick first to reduce the bulge in the middle of the cupcake topper, and I must say he is a smartie for this.

Also: you hafta see the “Awesome of the Day” from Paste. Michael Bolton having a good laugh at himself. Very funny!

Aviary and Cupcakes

Open source (and otherwise free-to-use software) is both a blessing and a curse. I have been gnashing my teeth, and simultaneously really enjoying learning Aviary, a web-based suite of free graphic design software. Specifically, I’m trying to use its vector editor, called Raven. This is my first project, and it was made to be a cupcake topper for a class party next week. Now I need to make a little pirate one- I’m so excited. I’ve completely finished this, and although the graphic still needs a little cleaning up, I am ready to bring it into the cupcake world. Here’s the pic:

Thank You Notes

I have a lotta thank you notes to write after my birthday, and thought I’d post about them today. A while back I found this funky little box-set of cards at Target and had the idea that they would be fun to play with. I used water colors, stickers and a set of ribbons and am rather happy with how they look. Unnecessary, as the cards are pretty cool by themselves, but it was fun to do. My favorite is the one with the bow tie- I believe I will mass-produce those.

A small collage of my favorite cards.

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